Falling (2019)
Falling (2019) was conceived and directed by three directors from the Dance Department at LJMU. Noel Jones was the Director-in-charge of filming and digital media production. Bernard Pierre-Louis the Director of the sound, while Pauline Brooks led the shaping of the choreography. Together we worked with 12 final year undergraduate dance students, who were co-creators with us as well as performers. They contributed to the devising of the choreography, created/edited the sound for all 3 sections, for the filming and editing of sections 1 and 2. Noel Jones was responsible for creating Section 3 of the film and for the adapted screen dance version. Falling was created and first presented in the digital dance lab at LJMU – a studio theatre with three full-size projection screens - in April (2019), then again as part of the Liverpool Light Nights Programme in May 2019, and finally adapted for a screen dance version -- presented at Trinity College Dublin in June 2019 (shown in the YouTube link below).